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Social Network Analysis Syllabus (JNTUK)

UNIT I: Social Network Analysis: Preliminaries and definitions, Erdos Number Project, Centrality measures, Balance and Homophily. UNIT II: Random graph models: Random graphs and alternative models, Models of network growth, Navigation in social Networks, Cohesive subgroups, Multidimensional Scaling, Structural equivalence, roles, and positions. UNIT III: Network topology and diffusion, Contagion in Networks, Complex contagion, Percolation and information, Navigation in Networks Revisited. UNIT IV: Small world experiments, small world models, origins of small world, Heavy tails, Small Diameter, Clustering of connectivity, The ErdosRenyi Model, Clustering Models. UNIT V: Network structure -Important vertices and page rank algorithm, towards rational dynamics in networks, basics of game theory, Coloring and consensus, biased voting, network formation games, network structure and equilibrium, behavioral experiments, Spatial and agent-based models.